USES What can the Bio-Well instrument be used for?
1. Measuring the Human Energy Field (HEF) This is the most sensitive reflection of the physical, emotional & spiritual condition of a person that can now be captured and seen for the first time in real time captures.
2.Stress Level evaluation Through the utilization of special software, it is possible to make a quantitative assessment of the anxiety and health index on a 10-point scale. 0-2 - very calm, relaxed people. 2-4 - normal quiescent state. 4-6 - the excited state characteristic of active work, excitement, intense activity. 6-8 – high level of stress 8-10 - a very high level of stress, the peak of excitement
3. Chakra Measurement According to Eastern metaphysical theories and principles of Ayurvedic Indian medicine, there are seven “Chakras” or integrated energy centers that are considered to affect physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
4. Health Status and Energy Status Present analysis of the functional state of the human body, by calculating the integral parameters of energy distribution in the body and in organs.
5. Balance Shows energy balance for different organs and systems for both right and left side of the body.
6. Screening Allows to see particular sectors of different fingers related to body systems as well as to different organs. Numbers indicate the level of energy (in Joules). Colors have the following indication:
Green: Optimal condition
Yellow: Energy deficiency
Red: Energy blockage
Blue: Hyper Energy
7. Fingers See Bio-grams of all 10 fingers divided to sectors. Click with left mouse button on the particular finger allows seeing informational screen.
8. Report Preparation of printout for the customer. All information may be corrected. Pressing Save button allows to save document as PDF file.
9. Export to CSV Save all parameters for the processing in Excell, MathLab or any other program.
10. Monitoring Energy Reactions With Bio-Well instrument you may follow up transformation of Energy Field in the process of treatment, exercise, meditation or any other activity. You may test different substances – food, medications, etc.
11. Environment Scan Bio-Well instrument with “Sputnik” antenna allows you to monitor time dynamics of the Energy of the Environment. This may be interesting for several aims:
Testing different places looking for places with calm and turbulent energy.
Testing Energy situation in different places depending on the position of sun, moon, time of the year, etc.
Measuring energy in the Places of Power – both natural and man-made –temples, sacred places, ancient cities, etc.
Testing Geoactive Zones, in particular, Geopathic Stress Zones.
Detecting the influence of emotions and focused attention to the environment
BioCor accessory (not yet available in North America) BioCor is a unique device that aids in shifting and correcting your energy state and balance through the use of high frequencies. This device should be used in conjunction with the Chakra audio setting in the BioWell software. Based on your frequencies Bio-Well program creates individual music file, which are send to BioCor device and applied to special earphones together with high frequency modulated by your own frequency.
Product contents: Bio-Well device, USB cable, Finger Insert, Large Finger Insert, Cleansing Cloth
Device dimensions: 4.5” l x 4.75”w x 4.5”h
Device weight: 1lb 4.5oz
Minimum level of subscription required: Bio-Well Subscription
Mac OS X 10.4 and higher
Intel platform only
Does not include I Pads
Windows XP and higher
Does not include metro style (desktop applications only)
Tablets with Windows 8 are supported
Overall dimensions: not more than – length 123 mm – width 114 mm – height 115 mm Mass of the analyzer: not more than 0.5 kg.
The maximum power consumption is not more than 15 W.
Power supply, mode control and image transmission to the PC is via the USB port.
Time of going into operating mode: not more than 2 min. The analyzer ensures a 8-hour operation of intermittent cycle: 30-minute operation and 10-minute break, maintaining technical characteristics.
The analyzer must be capable to work with power supply from the USB port of PC.
Mean time between failures: not more than 4000 hours.
Lifetime: not more than 4 years.
Disclaimer: This site or Bio-Well technology is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe. The information contained herein is in no way to be considered as a substitute for consultation with a duly licensed health care practitioner.