TRAINING CLASS Module Description Hands-On Classes (Now on-Line)
Dear Bio Well Users or Practitioners, (& interested buyers) We have exciting news for you! Basic and Level 1 are all available on-line! Contact us if you wish to have a Hands-On Beginner's training. Please see video tutorials page and go to On-Line Basic Training for manuals.
See online Module 1 ___________________________________________________
Consciousness Creates Reality
This Level 1 Class will provide the foundational knowledge necessary to properly measure and quantify readings of thehuman energy field using the Bio-Well device. Earlier
research has proven that all living organisms are surrounded by a
subtle energy field. More importantly, the growth or program of every
organism is influenced by the electrical field that surrounds it. Illness
can appear in the energy field weeks or even months before it appears
in the body. In other words, the energy field is a blueprint that
results in the manifestation of everything from thought patterns to
physical disease. This Level 1 course will cover an array of
subject matter and practical study of the GDV camera used in the
Bio-Well software, earlier research, related theory and practical data. See online training
What Will Be Covered In this Two- Day Program? Technique and the Working Principles of the Bio-Well
GDV method overview and review of Basics. Getting acquainted with the Bio-Well device.
4 C principle and rules of Proper finger capturing. Fingers with nails.
What are BIO-grams?
BIO-Well software review.
Review of Software installing and setting. Possible problems and what to be aware of for accuracy.
Review of Proper Device calibration.
Human capturing peculiarities and regulation
Full procedure of scanning (theory and practice).
Human Analysis & analysis tab: interpretation
Short Demo of all Tabs
Demos of cases (from the trainers database)
Chakra analysis and Chakra nuances
Bio-Well is an energy assessment, not a medical diagnosis.
Compare program.
Stress Test & One finger scan
Before-After program.
Accessories of the Bio-Well software program
Scans and interpretation of the parameters of the attendees
This device was used in training Russian Olympic and Paralympic athletes for the 2014 Sochi Games! Bio-Well has been developed for today's internet market in a more accessible way than ever before. The product consists of a desktop camera and accompanying software, which allows a user to quickly and easily conduct human energy scans.
Bio Well - the way to scan one's inner light!
Module 1 Course: ( now is on-line module) See Online Basic Previous Facilitators: Two instructors Dr. Sabina DeVita & Geoffrey Riley
Overview of the Bio Well software
Brief History review of Kirlian & GDV Russian research projects
Many uses of GDV Kirlian in various applications & disciplines
Bio Well device capabilities,
Interpretations of the completed scans & various tabs,
Visual analysis and demo cases
Over view of Bio Well accessories and invitation to separate trainings devoted to them
When: N/A (two full days) Fees: $550 U.S. or $670.00 Canadian + HST
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't have your unit yet? For Bio Well purchases: Please Visit the store
About Your Facilitators:
Sabina M. DeVita, Ed.D., NNCP, DCOSJ, author, holistic practitioner, facilitator Dr. DeVita has been involved in Body/Mind and Spirit transformational, holistic and energy therapies for over the last 25 years. Her background incorporates many modalities: psychotherapist, registered nutritionist, certified Touch For Health instructor of more than 12 years, Brain Gym® facilitator,Three In One and Thought Field Therapy facilitator, (Energy Psychologist) plus other healing energy modalities. She has over 850 hours of training as an integrated aromatic consultant and has been a long-time environmentalist. She is also a graduate of the BioGeometry harmonization system and one of its Canadian retailers. She has authored a number of best-selling books. She was a pioneer in the field of psychology at the University of Toronto. Her doctoral dissertation on "Brain Allergies" was ground breaking in its field. She has lectured internationally, in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Italy, Croatia, England, Barbados, Trinidad, Hawaii, United States, Russia and Canada. She has incorporated the scientific Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Kirlian camera into her practice and teachings of more than 20 years. She's been researching the efficacy of psychological/emotional transformations with the use of ethereal oils (Young Living essential oils) as seen with the GDV for various conditions which led to co-authoring a book with Dr. K. Korotkov. She spearheaded the development of the VivAlign Scanner with Dr. Korotkov and the late Founder of Young Living Company, D. Gary Young. (along with Geoffrey Riley & CEO Mary Young).
Geoffrey Riley, B.Sc., R.N.C.P., OSJ,
Geoffrey Riley has a rich background in entrepreneurial endeavors, including the ownership of a Fitness Club and Body Electro Enhancements. His love of nutrition and health led him to becoming a Registered Nutritionist with over 14 years of clinical nutritional experience. He was a Canadian pioneer and trainer in Electro Dermal screening methods (as a Biofeedback Technician) and sales from 1988 to 2008, now widely recognized and used in clinics as an assessment tool for many health conditions. Geoffrey is also a graduate of the BioGeometry harmonization system as well as a serious student in essential oils therapy with D. Gary Young.
He became a Certified Trainer of the GDV Kirlian camera and became the Canadian Representative, along with Dr. Sabina DeVita for GDV Kirlionics technology; both were personally trained with its inventor, Dr. K. Korotkov, in observing how our emotional, mental and spiritual planes affect the physical body.
Both Geoffrey & I (Dr. DeVita) look forward to meeting you. I have been utilizing the GDV technology for more than 20 years in my private practice. Both Geoff and I have studied with the inventor, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in Russia as well as in North America since 1999.
We have been training professionals internationally over the last 18 years in psychological/emotional/spiritual interpretative data and founded the Human Energy Field Practitioner program for the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies.
We were instrumental in initiating the VivAlign Scanner, using GDV technology, incorporating the Young Living essential oils into the software program with both the GDV Inventor/Founder, Dr. Korotkov and the late Young Living Company Founder D. Gary Young. (
To your health and great energy, Warm and aromatic Blessings,
Dr. Sabina DeVita Ed.D. Director, Instructor Institute of Energy Wellness Studies
Advanced Module 2 - is ONLY taught by the Founder's core trainer, Dimitry Orlov based on student graduates from Module 1.
Disclaimer: This site or Bio-Well technology is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe. The information contained herein is in no way to be considered as a substitute for consultation with a duly licensed health care practitioner.