Welcome to the world of Bio-Well! Now that you have purchased and received your device- you most likely want to use it immediately. To download your guides and manuals- follow these instructions: a) Download your quick guide and Basic Manuals first. b) Connect and obtain your subscription c) View the videos - and enjoy your NEW DEVICE!
In order to assist you with this - we have made the set-up and orientation really easy...... pleasewatch the videos.
Once you have watched the set-up, calibration, and how to scan, you will be well on your way to operating your new device. If you still need some more assistance with the BASICS- then please do contact Geoffrey at [email protected]. He will schedule a 15 - 30 min. appointment time with you for any further basic set-up issues.
For further knowledge and information, please plan in attending the Module 1 class. There is much more to cover and can only be correctly taught in our classes.